money online no websiteYou don’t have a website or blog…


I’m about to show you
how you can start making money online without one.

One way you can start generating cash online,
right now… TODAY..

…is to Start writing articles!

If you have some writing skills this is a gold mine!

If not, relax…

There are a few other ways I’ll share with you.

But for now…

If writing is your thing…

There are lots of article writing platforms across the internet.

You can research them and find the one that works best for you.

You will earn a percentage of revenue earned
when visitors land on your articles and click on ads.

Write about any subject and start sharing it with the world.

It’s a great way to start earning online without the
hassle of maintaining a website.

Click here to start writing articles for cash!


There’s more…

A website is NOT something you have to have to make money online.

You really don’t have the time to go through the hassle
of building a website anyway, let alone maintaining it.

OK…. now that we’re clear.

Here’s something else you can do!

Create Income Online Without A Website

make money online without a websiteTechnology has made it easy for an average guy like me to make money online without a website.

If you follow my instructions you will be able to set things up with relative ease.

I will show you how to set it up and give you the tools
you will need to start making money online without a website today.

I can very easily charge $200 – $300 for this information
because it cost me a lot more to acquire it.

More importantly giving you my knowledge, experience and expertise.

The only requirement is that you use this information wisely
and above all help someone else realize their dreams by sharing it with others,
which is what I am doing with you.

I don’t want to oversimplify this
because it does take some brain power
to make money online without a website,
especially if you want to do it on a consistent basis.

If you intend to create supplemental income online
on a long-term basis the 1st step is to become an affiliate.

You’ve probably never heard of it, but that’s ok.

Click here for details on how to become an affiliate marketer.

Follow the simple instructions and you’ll be well on your way.

How To Get Started Making Money Online Without a Website.

Consider what it is you are passionate about.

Select this as your area of interest
and use it as a guideline to choose a Domain Name.

You will need a Domain Name in order to
redirect people to a Sales Landing Page.(which I will discuss in detail later)

You can purchase a Domain Name from any Webhosting Service
anywhere from $6.00 to $12.00 a year. (Here’s The One I Use)

If you are passionate about sewing or knitting
you may want to choose a domain name like (howtosew) or (knitcity).

You want to choose a Domain Name that relates
to whatever it is you’re passionate about.

It is vital to use a name that is specific to your area of interest
so you can attract people who are interested in the same thing.

The proper terminology for this is called a Niche.

A Niche is an area of interest that is not general,
but specific in nature and targets a certain group of people
who share the same interest.

For example if your area of interest is Weight Loss,
this would be too general.

You would want to focus on something a little more specific like
“how to get a flat stomach” or “specific foods to help you lose weight”.

The more specific you are the better!

The only concern here is making sure others
are interested in this topic
and can immediately identify with your domain name.

Once you have chosen a Domain that fits,
you should Register Your Domain Name.

Choose & Register A Domain Name Here!

How to Find Products to Promote without a Website

After you have chosen and registered your Domain Name the next step is to find a good product that will compliment your Domain Name.

To find great digital product(s) to promote visit
Clickbank has an extensive market of digital products
that customers can download immediately.

When someone buys a product by clicking on your tracking code,
(which can be acquired through you will earn a commission from the sale.

Sign up for a FREE Clickbank Account to see an extensive database of digital products to promote.

Once you find product(s) that fit your Niche
make sure it is a high quality product and will benefit your potential consumers.

It is also important to research how well the product(s) landing page convert.

To get an indication about how well a product converts
look at the (Grav:) in Clickbank
to see how many affiliates are Promoting the Product.

High Grav Numbers usually indicates a better conversion rate.

High Quality Products will not convert
without a Quality Sales Landing Page,
so check it out by visiting the site you are promoting.

In order to promote a particular product through clickbank,
just click the promote button to create a tracking code.

Record the tracking code in a notebook or a word processor
as you will need it to complete the linking process.

This Short Video Shows You How Easy it is To Find Products to Promote through Clickbank

Make Money Online Easily Without a Website

Now that you’ve gotten this far in the process,
it is time to link (forward) your new Domain Name to the Product(s) Tracking Code
you have acquired through Clickbank. This Linking Process is called forwarding.

You will need to go back
to the site where you purchased your Domain Name
and forward your Domain Name to the Landing Page of the Product
you are promoting through Clickbank.
This is done by placing the Tracking Code in the (forward to) field.

Now…. when someone clicks on your Domain Name
they will be forwarded to the Product you are Promoting through Clickbank.

This is a very powerful tool to use on social media sites like Facebook,
Twitter or on Pay Per Click Ad Campaigns like Google Adwords or Bing Ads.

The process of setting things up shouldn’t take long,
but take your time and make sure to dot every (i) and cross every (t).

It is a good idea to test to ensure your domain
is being forwarded to your clickbank product properly
so you don’t lose the opportunity to earn commission
when the product is purchased.

Use this incredibly powerful tool to quickly
and easily start making money online without a website.

Get A Quick Start At Making Money Online

Click Here For Personal Affiliate Training Details


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As always, comments are welcomed and encouraged. Cheers!

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This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a commission if you make a purchase using the link.